No Reserve
Lot : 9278.1
Status : Sold
Scottsdale 2016

Gasoline restored A.O. Smith service station gas pump.

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Highly prized 1950s Pure Firebird Racing Gasoline restored A.O. Smith service station gas pump. Wonderful restoration coupled with branding makes this a winner. Can you say Nascar? Size 29'x16'x75'

Heritage Partners

Reliable CarriersToyotaMeguiar'sAdam's PolishesFordDodgeGila River Resorts and CasinosLumifiSwisstraxChevroletCity of ScottsdaleLogotipo del patrocinador: Reliable CarriersLogotipo del patrocinador: ToyotaLogotipo del patrocinador: Meguiar'sLogotipo del patrocinador: Adam's PolishesLogotipo del patrocinador: FordLogotipo del patrocinador: DodgeLogotipo del patrocinador: Gila River Resorts and CasinosLogotipo del patrocinador: LumifiLogotipo del patrocinador: SwisstraxLogotipo del patrocinador: ChevroletLogotipo del patrocinador: City of Scottsdale