No Reserve
Lot : 5994
Status : Sold
Palm Beach 2015

Nicely restored 1930s Polly Oil service department safety can with grip spout.

Vehicle's main image


Nicely restored 1930s Polly Oil service department safety can with grip spout. Size 8'x13'x5'

Heritage Partners

Reliable CarriersFordAdam's PolishesSwisstraxDodgeChevroletMeguiar'sGila River Resorts and CasinosCity of ScottsdaleLumifiToyotaLogotipo del patrocinador: Reliable CarriersLogotipo del patrocinador: FordLogotipo del patrocinador: Adam's PolishesLogotipo del patrocinador: SwisstraxLogotipo del patrocinador: DodgeLogotipo del patrocinador: ChevroletLogotipo del patrocinador: Meguiar'sLogotipo del patrocinador: Gila River Resorts and CasinosLogotipo del patrocinador: City of ScottsdaleLogotipo del patrocinador: LumifiLogotipo del patrocinador: Toyota