No Reserve
Lot : 9583
Status : Sold
Scottsdale 2018

Wonderful 1950s Good Humor Ice Cream delivery pedal tricycle by Murray.

Vehicle's main image


Wonderful 1950s Good Humor Ice Cream delivery pedal tricycle by Murray. Outstanding color scheme and graphics. One of the neatest pedal cars ever made. Equipped with bell and padded seat. Size: 36'x19'x30'

Heritage Partners

Reliable CarriersAdam's PolishesGila River Resorts and CasinosFordCastrolSwisstraxCity of ScottsdaleToyotaChevroletDodgeMeguiar'sLumifiLogotipo del patrocinador: Reliable CarriersLogotipo del patrocinador: Adam's PolishesLogotipo del patrocinador: Gila River Resorts and CasinosLogotipo del patrocinador: FordLogotipo del patrocinador: CastrolLogotipo del patrocinador: SwisstraxLogotipo del patrocinador: City of ScottsdaleLogotipo del patrocinador: ToyotaLogotipo del patrocinador: ChevroletLogotipo del patrocinador: DodgeLogotipo del patrocinador: Meguiar'sLogotipo del patrocinador: Lumifi