No Reserve
Lot : 5887.3
Status : Sold
Palm Beach 2014

1930's-40's restored Polly Oil 25 gallon service department hand pump greaser on wheels.

Vehicle's main image


Stunning 1930's-40's restored Polly Oil 25 gallon service department hand pump greaser on wheels. Size 19'x44'x19'

Heritage Partners

SwisstraxMeguiar'sDodgeReliable CarriersGila River Resorts and CasinosAdam's PolishesChevroletCity of ScottsdaleToyotaFordLumifiLogotipo del patrocinador: SwisstraxLogotipo del patrocinador: Meguiar'sLogotipo del patrocinador: DodgeLogotipo del patrocinador: Reliable CarriersLogotipo del patrocinador: Gila River Resorts and CasinosLogotipo del patrocinador: Adam's PolishesLogotipo del patrocinador: ChevroletLogotipo del patrocinador: City of ScottsdaleLogotipo del patrocinador: ToyotaLogotipo del patrocinador: FordLogotipo del patrocinador: Lumifi